Merry Christmas everyone!!! It's been a crazy couple of days and I'm now taking a little blog break from cleaning up the aftermath! The celebration started Thursday evening as Joel's family came together to honor Momma Gwynne with Tacos!!! As everyone else was working that day, I was nominated to make the birthday cheesecake. With all of the sweets around, I wanted to make a bit lighter version. Sunset magazine came through in this months issue - it turned out beautifully! When we got home, Amelia set a snack of milk and gingerbread cookies out for Santa Claus and went to bed.
I got up early on Friday morning to put the ham in the oven so that it would be ready for brunch. Amelia awoke around 7:30am and inspected the cookie plate to find that Santa had eaten the heart shaped one but only took a bit out of the tree shaped one and left the rest. Next, she was on to inspecting the contents of her stocking as we Joel and I. Of course, the toes were jammed with a big orange. Amelia's sock was full of little plastic animals, candies and nuts. Joel's had the candy and nuts accompanied by a package of Bacon Floss and some Ranch flavored tooth picks. Mine included a Starbucks card! Amelia took her time going through each gift, one at a time and I was glad that she did - no hurry. Marlene & George sent a great big "Catterspeller," Nana & Grampa sent a set of PlayDoh (yay) and Grandpa & Grandma Frantz sent a very fun game based on the Princess and the Pea.
The family arrived around 11am and the feast was on! Ham, baked french toast, fruit salad, homemade truffles and mimosas! More gifts and more cheer. When the party broke up it was time to mellow out and watch A Christmas Story. All in all, a very busy day.
I hope your Christmas was filled with family and fun - looking forward to the New Year!
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