Friday, December 11, 2009

A Chat With The Fat Man!

The "Fam" went down to Tuolumne City in the rain to participate in the Community Christmas Event.  The students and parents of Summerville Parent Nursery School were to be part of the parade, complete with home made kazoos but, due to the weather, decided to skip it.  Wet kiddos = whiney kiddos!  Santa arrived in a Fire Truck and took his place in a seat next to the Mrs. When Amelia had her turn to sit on the famous lap, she asked Santa for "play dough, a Hovaround and a toy deer made of plastic."  Now, I'm thinkin' that the play dough is taken care of (thanks Nana & Grampa), the deer request is being worked on and the Hovaround will have to wait a few decades.

1 comment:

  1. She is so sweet. Looks like your family's visit with Santa went a bit better than ours. LOL. I've been without internet for over a week. This was great to open your blog and see Amelia's happy little smile. Thanks!


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