Oh,what an adventure! We got up very earlyWednesday morning, packed up the car and the kid and headed up, over the Altimont. First stop, North Berekely BART Station and on to the Embarcadero in SF. What a fast and nearly effortless way to travel. Now, after waiting a "long, long time" for the "F" car and watching 3 or 4 very full ones go by, we decided to walk the 1.5 miles to Pier 39. This was actually good after being in the car and on the train. Tickets in hand, we made our way into the Aquarium of the Bay just in time for Amelia to announce that she was "really hungry." Back out the way we came and on down to the pier for some lunch. After consuming our chowder-filled bread bowl, it was back to the Aquarium... for real, this time! We really liked the new jelly fish exhibit! Being a SpongeBob fan, Amelia let her Dad know that she needed a net. Into the tunnels - Wow! What a great way to see the fishies as well as a guy in a scuba suit doing some cleaning. After some time in the touch pools, it was back to t
Pier for Bungee Bouncing
and the Spon
geBob SquarePants 4-D movie ride. Back to the BART and Berkeley to stay with friends, Justin and Morgan. Amelia really likes their Lab
radoodle, Lucky as was kept quite busy with him.

Up early and out the door to meet cousins Gwynne and Chris for breakfast. Then, all in the car for the ride to the Oakland Zoo! We were met there by Auntie Kay and Uncle Rick for the first part of the day. And... What a Day! Amelia had a "key to the zoo" and loved using it.
We saw lots of different animals, insects and reptiles - Great Zoo! There was also a carnival area there where Amelia rode every ride - her fave being the "miracle-go-round." I also liked the Sky Ride - a ski lift that took you over the animals!